It’s much simpler for you to go through our quality rating process, instead of going through multiple reports. True Value quality ratings are as shown below.
Overall RatingThis is the combined rating of every quality check that a car undergoes.
Exterior RatingThis rating comes from the assessment of a car's exterior for chips and dents, rust, quality of paintwork, and panel gaps.
EngineThis rating comes from the assessment of these components for mechanical issues, wear and tear, and whether they need repair or replacement.
SuspensionThis rating comes from the assessment of a car’s suspension.
Seats and Interior RatingThis rating comes from the assessment of a car's interior for quality of upholstery, and scratches, spots, and stains within the car's cabin.
Transmission RatingThis rating comes from the assessment of a car’s transmission.
Frame RatingThis rating comes from the assessment of a car's platform for any structural damage